In 2009, the story of Laboratorio Olfattivo began as a love project of Daniela Caon and Roberto Drago for niche perfumes. The collection includes 23 Eau de Parfums, such as Nerotic, Vanhera, Sacreste and Nerosa, divided between the Laboratorio in Nero collection and the Masters' Collection, created by perfumers Jean-Claude Ellena and Lucien Ferrero. Laboratorio Olfattivo also offers room fragrances with 16 variants and a range of personal care products.
This creative project, led by creative director Roberto Drago, brings together efforts from diverse minds to produce creative sparks and dream fragments, transformed into refined fragrances. The creation of new perfumes is not driven by market needs, but by the need to tell stories, where notes, accords and alcohol come together with visions and passions to form the unique fragrances of Laboratorio Olfattivo.